
06.-08. September 2023

1st European Conference on TEaching and Research in Sustainable Resource ExtrAction - TERRA - Boppard, Rhine River, Germany

On behalf of the organising committee of the 1st European Conference on TEaching and Research in Sustainable Resource ExtrAction, I invite you to Boppard, Germany. The aim of TERRA is to bring together mining researchers and teachers from Europe to one meeting, to share our achievements, challenges, and aspirations, and to allow networking among European mining academics.


Europe’s raw materials sector needs 1.2 million jobs but faces serious skill shortages by 2030. Such challenges will only be solved through very important changes, in the way the European university sector engages with students and society, offers educational programs, educates professionals, and pursues research and innovations.


The conference program will include keynote presenters, talks and posters as well as presentations on funding opportunities for teaching and research collaborations. To date, registered participants will be mining academics and their selected students from various European nations (e.g. Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Poland, Spain, Sweden, UK). I am looking forward to meeting you at this what promises to be a most stimulating and enjoyable conference.


Professor Bernd Lottermoser

Conference Chair

Institute of Mineral Resources Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Germany



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